Matching Donor Campaign
Friends of the Symphony have pledged up to $5000 to match your donation two-for-one.
With your gift, the Symphony hopes to raise $15,000 by the end of June. This will enable the Board to eliminate a small long-term debt and begin the next Season with strong working capital.
Your Gift Friends' Pledge Symphony Total Your Possible Tax Refund
$200 $100 $300 $65
$500 $250 $750 $160
$1000 $500 $1500 $320 or more
That’s a 33% return on your investment in the orchestra!
Ticket sales only cover 1/3 of the revenue needed to operate the Symphony. Without support from donors such as you, there would be no music.
Make your two-for-one gift today.
Your charitable tax receipt will help increase your next tax refund.