Vintners' Dinner & Wine Auction
“Exceptional wines, great food and good friends”
Cobble Beach
If you have never been before, this is an evening pairing fine Ontario wines with a fabulous dinner in the brand new "Pavilion" at Cobble Beach on the shores of Georgian Bay. We are very excited about being at this new venue. Joining us for the evening is Ontario wine expert Stephen Blender. Stephen will share his wealth of knowledge about Ontario wines and the featured wines for this evening.
We pride ourselves on having one of the most unique selections of Silent Auction items in the area. Almost half of the silent auction items are specially donated wines and spirits. In addition to the food and wine one of the highlights of the evening is the “not-to-be-missed” Live Auction of outstanding wines donated by local collectors and Canadian wineries.
The Vintners from our two selected Ontario wineries, Peninsula Ridge Estates Winery and Peller Estates Winery, will speak during dinner about the wine pairing and talk about the fascinating world of the wine industry.

Of course none of this is possible without our supporters.
Premium Sponsor:
Tony & Diana Ersser, Canadian Tire Owen Sound
Contributing Sponsors:
Owen Sound Subaru
Ron Todd, Investors Group Security Inc.
D.C. Taylor Jewelers
Chatsworth Insurance Brokers
This is a great occasion to get a group of friends together for a great evening out. You can even book a whole table for eight. Tickets are $150. A tax receipt will be issued for a portion of the ticket price.
For tickets call the Georgian Bay Symphony office at 519-372-0212