Matching Gift Campaign
Your can double your donation with this Matching Gift Campaign
Your Symphony is launching a Matching Gift Campaign. A small group of our patrons has offered a challenge gift. Every dollar you donate, before November 29th, will be matched on a 1:1 basis, up to a maximum of $17 000.

The GBS did not receive a grant this year from the Ontario Arts Council. The loss of this provincial grant represents about 10% of our annual budget. Several of our supporters, including members of our Board have come forward with this matching campaign to help close this fiscal gap.
There are several ways you can donate to double your impact. You can visit the GBS office, call 519-372-0212 or donate online . You can also donate securities. Your financial advisor can give you details about the positive tax implications from donating securities. You may donate securities through our office or website.
Thank you, on behalf of all members of the Georgian Bay Symphony orchestra, and our community for supporting Matching Gift Campaign.