Youth String Audition!

The GBS is looking for talented young string players (violin, cello, viola)
who are up for the challenge of performing great repertoire with a large ensemble.
When: Wednesday - September 20, 6:30 pm.
Where: East Ridge Community School - 1550 8th Street East - Owen Sound.
You must contact us before September 20th in order to set up a time for your audition. Call 519-372-0212 or email
What is required for the audition?
At least RCM grade level 6 or equivalent.
Two contrast solo pieces (slow and fast movement). No accompanist required.
Two 3-octave scales of your choice.
Demonstrate ability to sight-read.
Must bring two copies of your music.
Benefits of being in the GBS:
Meet other area musicians who share your passion for music.
Accumulate Community volunteer hours.
Be coached by professional musicians.
Perform orchestral masterworks with the Georgian Bay Symphony.
For youth, our membership fee of $110 is waived.
Financial assistance available to cover some travel costs.
What is the overall commitment?
The orchestra rehearses every Wednesday from 7:15 to 10pm during the season and performs 5 main concerts and one special Family Concert. Concert Dates are Oct 21 at 7:30pm, Dec 9 at 4pm and 7:30pm, Feb 10 at 3pm, March 24 at 7:30pm and May 12 at 7:30pm.