2022 Herman Dilmore Award Winners
Maestro Koh and the Georgian Bay Symphony are please to award three young players this year's Hermon Dilmore Award. The awards got to Alex Adair, percussion: Aiden Nelson, violin; and Rebecca Selman, percussion.

Alex Adair
Hello, my name is Alex Adair. I’ll be entering Grade 12, in the fall, at OSDSS. I have played music throughout my school years, including being in the East Ridge school band. I play percussion for the GBS. I have been involved in music since kinder music. I also play the saxophone and take lessons from Rob Tite. I hope to be a scientist after high school
Aidan Nelson
My name is Aidan Nelson. I am heading into my last year at Owen Sound District Secondary School. I started playing violin at the age of 7 and have developed a love for music. Music has become an important part of my life. It has given me many joyful experiences, such as playing in the Georgian Bay Symphony. I am looking forward to playing in the Symphony in the next few seasons before I leave Owen Sound to pursue post-secondary education. I hope that music can always be a part of my life as I progress through post-secondary and beyond.
Rebecca Selman
Rebecca is a 16 year old grade 11 student at SDSS who is involved with their jazz and concert band. She has been following her passion of percussion in music from a young age. With the guidance of many mentors in Rebecca’s life, she has worked towards participating in multiple music organizations in our community, starting with Southampton Summer Music a few years ago. She started the year by getting accepted into the National Youth Band of Canada which took place in May. She has also been asked to perform in July with the faculty of Summer Music’s band: Festival Winds. Rebecca has just received acceptance to the Ontario Provincial Honour Band that will commence at the beginning of November, and perform at the music Ontario Music Educator’s Association convention in Collingwood. Rebecca joined us for our May concert, and is very excited to return in the fall for future concerts.
Learn more about our Youth Awards