Vintners' Dinner fundraiser is back!
After 3 years of not being able to run our famous fundraiser The Georgian Bay Symphony is once again hosting the Vintners’ Dinner and auction on April 29th at Cobble Beach.
Wine Expert, Stephen Blender has secured two renowned winemakers Thomas Bachelder and Fabian Reis.
“Thomas Bachelder is one of the most talented winemakers in Canada, and his pinot noir ranks alongside the best of Burgundy.”(Will Lyons, London (UK) Sunday Times)
“Bachelder is a wine genius and any visit with him is an amazing learning experience.”(Ian d’Agata, International Wine Writer, authorized wine judge)
"Fabien produces wines that fiercely push the wine industry boundaries to the next level of wine quality and vineyard practices."
Their fabulous wines will be paired with a wonderful dinner and they will entertain guests with stories of their sustainable wineries in the Niagara region.
A spectacular auction of over a 100 unique wines, ciders and beers, winery tours and other gifts will close out the classy evening.
This is a great way to enjoy a wonderful event – and support the Georgian Bay Symphony. Tickets are available at the GBS office or online.